This has been on my mind for a couple of weeks..
I have just recently seen a film entitled Invisible Children. Filmed in 2003 by three young guys who wanted to Uganda and do something with their lives, it was a story about the civil unrest that was going on in that country at the time. Basically, there was a group of rebels that was fighting against the government and killed many innocent people, including children. These rebels would also come in the middle of the night and rip children from their beds and force them to be in their army. Children between the ages of 6 and 15 i think were targets due to their weakness to brain washing. So these kids would go to the next town every night and sleep together just so they would be abducted. Most of them orphaned by the death of their family at the hands of the rebels.
A friend of mine just spent three weeks in the same village that this was filmed in. The thing is, I had no clue about what was going on over there until after she was back. I mean, I knew that there was unrest there and everything but I just played it off like it was no big deal. But when I saw this film, I had to ask her about Uganda and how things were there. What she told me shook everything that that I had grown custom when it comes to my faith in God.
She told me first that the leader of the rebels, who was briefly discussed in the film, had been killed. Then she told me that when he died, the children armies died as well. I let out a sigh of relief because I remember seeing these kids with guns being forced to kill or be killed and it broke my heart. I asked her what was going there now and she told me that they are trying to rebuild and bounce back. She said there is major lack of food and stuff like that.
Then I asked her if she learned anything and she told me that more than anything she learned Joy. I thought to myself, "that's not what I expected to hear". So I asked her why and she said that the people there are more focused on Jesus than their next meal. They truly love the Lord and praise Him for everything.
Now let's be honest here. That makes me feel like dirt. I have a hard time believing that I would be content with the Lord if I had nothing else. I like to think that I would celebrate Jesus if I had nothing, but I doubt i would. Now, I have to ask myself.. How do I love Jesus like them. I want to really know what it feels like so see myself as someone who has nothing, yet has everything!
Friday, June 27, 2008
I want to learn Joy
Thought by
Brandon Tomlin
12:10 AM
Invisible Children,

Monday, June 23, 2008
My Hair (2)

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Be very very quiet... I'm hunting for a job.
So here is a list of the types of places i would like to work.
- My Church
- A music store
- A book store
- Or something that can help me earn some good cash...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My hair

For those of you who know me in the flesh (this excludes Aaron Ivey and Jimmie Ingram), you know that I wear a particular hat every day. My hat is something that has become a part of me. Not only does it look cool with it's gray color (or colour if you are British) but it also is one of those awesome knit caps with the super small bill. It kinda has a reggae feel to it so you could say that I'm more cultured because of it. I digress...
The main purpose of my lovely hat is, however, to keep my hair out of my FREAKING FACE!! My hair gets on my nerves! It is so long! And I know what you're thinking. I should get a hair cut. I see a conversation going like this..
You: Dude, you could use a hair cut.
Me: Yeah, I know.
You: So why don't you go get one?
Me: I don't know... I just like to complain about it.
I think
You: That's pretty lame.
Me: Yeah, I know.
I think the thing I like about my long hair is that when I was in high school, I always wanted long hair. Instead I went with the Faux-Hawk... I know... shut it! Also, my grandparents hate it! It's weird though, my grandfather has tattoos and an earring so those can slide, but long hair is over stepping my boundaries. So my long hair makes me a rebel... Yeah, that sounds cool. Anyway, the picture above is for future reference because I have a feeling that a hair cut is on its way.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Using Staind Songs as blog titles: It's Been A While
Well, not only has been a week or so since I checked email, facebook, or my blog... its been that same amount of time since I could sit at a computer, or sit in general without horrible pain. Long story short, I have a Pilonidal Cyst. Don't know what that is, eh? Look it up on Web MD and save me the time of telling you some private things about myself. Needless to say, it is very painful, gross, and more than likely going to require surgery that will leave a nice sized whole in my body. I was scheduled for a surgery yesterday, however the surgeon talked me out of it and gave me some more medication. All in all, everything feels fine right now and I hope this thing will go away.
Now that that's out of the way, my next posts should be less about my ailments and more about.... other stuff... I guess.
Now that that's out of the way, my next posts should be less about my ailments and more about.... other stuff... I guess.
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