Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Here is a video of Phil Wickham talking about his inspiration for his song "Home".
I cant tell you how many times I have tried to take God for granted and only be able to finally turn back to The Father. With hind-sight being 20/20, I can see that so often God runs to me. I can only pray that everyday I turn my back on the sinful things of this world and run to God as He runs to me, and becoming more and more in tune with His will and His love.
I cant tell you how many times I have tried to take God for granted and only be able to finally turn back to The Father. With hind-sight being 20/20, I can see that so often God runs to me. I can only pray that everyday I turn my back on the sinful things of this world and run to God as He runs to me, and becoming more and more in tune with His will and His love.
Monday, July 14, 2008
"I'm Inspired By"
This is a play on something that I saw on Aaron Ivey's blog that I really liked. On occasion I will post a list of thigs that have inspired me recently.
- Acts.
- Shane Claiborne's Jesus for President.
- Wavorly.
- Talking to my friend Yvonne.
- Laughing uncontrollably with Em. J.
- The post entitled "Red Bull Christianity" over at SCL.
Thought by
Brandon Tomlin
10:48 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008
Feeling Indifferent (the spacing on my site is jacked up. sorry)
Indifferent is the only word that I can describe the way i have been feeling lately. God is doing amazing things in my life. He is really speaking to me, really pushing me, really tuning me in to His will. But despite all of this, its like that isn't enough. I think some of this comes from a feeling of loneliness. My friends from church are becoming my best friends, but i only see them on Sundays and Wednesdays (not so many Wednesdays in the summer though). I really do love my friends and I want to see them more often, but I don't want to seem like I'm pushing myself onto someone. I don't know...
Anyway, I have recently picked up reading Shane Claibourne's Jesus for President. This book continues to make me question my lifestyle and many issues regarding politics, economy, war, hunger, persecution, etc. Here is something that I read the other day that has had me pondering:
What is beauty?
When we ponder the wisdom of Christianity gone militant and triumphant, we need only to look on the ruins of Christendom in the regions where Christians ruled by the sword. Look at Europe-England, Sweden, Denmark, perhaps post-Christian USA in a few years. To find Christianity at its best, and the church alive, we need only look to the areas where it is persecuted and peculiar. It's hard to walk away with any other conclusion but that the best way to defeat the kingdom of God is to empower the church to rule the world with the sword, for then it becomes the beast it wishes to destroy.
What good is it to gain the whole world but lose your soul?
Caesar seemed to be able to do anything in the world. But Caesar could not wash feet.
p.p. 177 of Jesus for President
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Noise Cancelation
I've been preparing a bible study for the Life Group that I am a part of on Sunday evenings. When I was asked to do it, I thought about what I could use and decided to use a NOOMA video. I'd seen the first 8 videos and hit up youtube to find the other 12. Well, this is the one that I think I'll use.
So, this video it fantastic in my opinion.
Tell me what you think about it...
So, this video it fantastic in my opinion.
Tell me what you think about it...
Friday, July 4, 2008
And On This Day... We Celebrate!

Okay, the 4th of July as always taken a back seat when I'm asked what my favorite holiday is. It's either been Christmas or Thanksgiving. But as the years go by, I'm learning that I really do like the 4th of July. Actually, I love how the holiday is really 4 days long! Fireworks don't annoy me and unlike some people, I welcome my neighbors shooting off fireworks late into the the night even if its not the 4th yet! (It's 12:20am and i just heard something explode outside!)
Fireworks dazzle me... I can watch them for hours, in a daze like an A.D.D. kid coming down after taking his meds. So, needless to say, tomorrow night when our college aged group is in downtown Nash-vegas watching what is one of the nations top 4th of July Extravaganzas, I will experience 25 minutes of pure bliss!
P.S. To all you "Old Men" (sorry Aaron... I had to) out there, sit back, relax, and enjoy the magic of spending this holiday with those you love!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A Family in Need of Prayer
Most who read this blog know about the Ivey family. We'll things are getting difficult for them and their adoption process. I can't even begin to imagine how tough this must be for Aaron and Jamie to go through. I don't want to share the whole story so you can read about it here.
To the Iveys: I love you guys! And though we don't really know each other, my heart hurts for you.
To the Iveys: I love you guys! And though we don't really know each other, my heart hurts for you.
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