This week our college-age group at church was on mission in New Orleans and they made a safe return today before the snow moved in. I can't wait to hear the stories about their experiences and stuff. Above is something I randomly sketched in my moleskine on Thursday or so.
Also, the last few days have been so good! I've really enjoyed spending time with great friends, watching good movies, sharing meals with loving people around the dinner table, and unexpectedly holding hands with special people. In the last three days, I watched Across the Universe, Once (for like the 4th time), Definitely Maybe, and Love Actually. I thought Across the Universe was incredible! The same goes for Definitely Maybe! Love Actually, honestly I was kinda confused for a lot of the film, however, it all came together in the end and made it quite good. So thats two British films and and Irish film, and then an American one. I find myself saying a few words with either a British or Irish accent. But more important than the movies themselves, are the really special memories I will have of seeing them with really special people next to me.
But now, to the book I've been reading, aptly named The Barbarian Way. It was so weird last night. As I was telling my best Texas friend (and one of my truly best friends) Leslie, I felt as though the author was getting his points across to me very well. It could have been me very easily, but regardless, I wasn't getting deep. Anyway, Les had to go for a bit so I picked the book up and went to where I left off and everything I read from there was like a heavenly kick to the face. He spoke about the likeness and differences between the Ancients named in Hebrews 11 and the nameless later mentioned. How those Ancients were barbarians that lived by faith and have been remembered for a lot of the amazing things that happened to them during their lives, likewise those not named are also barbarians but in many cases had things happen to them such as having their back cut open by whips and yet they didn't turn away from God. And so I went straight to my bible and read Hebrews 11 just before Les called back. We talked about that for a bit before we both went to bed.
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