
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Romans 23:1-2 says this...

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The above was highlighted tonight at church. A good man named David Mcamens (sp) conversed with us about how we couldn't do anything for God if it weren't for his mercy. David tends to go on tangents from time to time (and by that i mean quite often) and his tangents are always helpful in understanding the point that God is trying to get across through him, and they are usually pretty hilarious. However, one of his tangents spoke volumes to me tonight. In this particular tangent he said "I came up with this today, it may be cool, it may not be cool. Our vision must be in God's submission for us and therefore our lives in submission to Him." And after he said that, I had a light bulp begin to flicker and then come on full power.

See, I recently read Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, and this man has such a vision and passion for the poor. As many people can attest, this book can really rock your foundations when it comes to your attitude towards the poor, as it has mine. So as I read this book, I was thinking about a friend of mine named Brandon Berger. Brandon has gone to Nashville to feed the poor numerous times and has developed the beginning of a passion that i can see in him. I recommended this book highly to him. He had it for a day or two before he called me saying "Man, I want to go sleep with the homeless now." I told him I knew how he felt, but the truth is, that's something that I just throw around out of habit. The even more evident truth now is that I too want to sleep with the homeless and get and idea of what they face. I want to know what their troubles are. How i can help. How God want to move me towards helping them.

Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated, and you don't have to be a member to comment!

P.S. A lot of my most recent daily thinking have come from a combination of God, Steven Bush's blog and Aaron Ivey's blog, Irresistible Revolution, and the first few pages of The Barbarian Way.

1 comment:

  1. You just keep asking and then you ask God to peel a layer off your eyes so you can "see" the needs. SEE with SPIRIT EYES.

    You read HIS word and try to see HIM in full blazing color. Panoramic views. Sweeping and beautiful. Compassion. Mercy. Holy. Powerful. Meek.

    Then you run. You run wildly after God. AND before you know it you will run into the destiny HE has for you...

    And sometimes it is VERY close to you... like in your own backyard so to speak...

    Then other times it is going to take a trek to reach it... but you will minister truth on the journey in either case.

    Bottom line: LOVE... GOD, SELF then NEIGHBOR. When we love God we then begin to love the self that HE made... and in valuing what HE made we can love and accept our neighbor..

    Love. See. Read. RUN!

    Now get going....
